Happy New Year folks!!!!
Yea.. Yea... i know you may say isn't it a lil' too late to be saying that but hey... For me, my year is just starting. I say this because it's my birthday in a couple of hours, so i guess i could say its the start of a brand new year for me.
How was your 2015?
Mine was a combination of all of the above...
I mean what is life without a healthy mix of the Fun and the Frenzy, right?
I'd love to share a few things 2015 taught me... afterall, aren't we all pupils in this school called Life?
1. First and foremost, God is the official "Mindblower" of the Universe.
2. Your life moves in the direction of your most dominant thoughts. #ThankYouPB
3. God is obsessed about some people...
5. Exercise!... even if its taking the stairs or walking... it goes a really long way.
6. Sometimes, all you need is just one person that matters to favor you. #ThankYouDrMurdock
7. You don't need that many breakthroughs, if you're smart... just the one. #ThankYouPBAndBishopOyedepo
8. Mondays are fine...sometimes its your life that sucks.
9. You have the ability to change your life! It's not easy...but it is very simple...
10. Just because you miss someone doesn't mean you should go back to them...sometimes you gotta keep missing them... until you realize you don't anymore.
11. You could be the prettiest, ripest, most juicy peach in the world... there'll still be people who hate peaches. Don't take it personal.
12. A rejection of your love could mean lots of things... not necessarily a flaw in your character.
14. Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming. #AnticipateIt #Expectations #ThankYouDavidBowie #RIP
15. It costs you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to dream... Make sure its big.
16. NEVER GET LEGALISTIC WITH GOD! He loved you even before you made your first mistake...and He's not planning on changing His mind.
17. Beware of "Destination-Addiction"! the idea that happiness is in the next place, job, partner... Faithfully serve your current position... HAPPINESS IS WHERE YOU ARE!
19. New beginnings might be scary... but there's nothing more beautiful.
20. You can't ask for the EXTRAORDINARY and then complain about what's "fair"... That's the tax of being special... Life will require more from you. #ThankYouRobHillSnr
22. Love yourself enough to know it's never your job to convince anyone to choose you... Infact, if they're consistently on the fence... HIT THEE FREEWAY!
23. Growth/Excellence is not automatic... it will cost you.
24. A merry heart does good like medicine.
25. Earnestly seek the things/people that excite, motivate, inspire and make you happy... and keep them close.
26. There's no better place to be than in the center of God's will for your life... even if it's in the midst of struggles.
27. They that compare themselves with themselves are not wise. Your race is different... some are sprinters...others are marathon racers...Find out yours...and stay there! #OneOneLeg
28. Every pot has a lid... Hence, there's someone tailor made for you. #Wait
29. Even with all your challenges, your life is still someone else's dream. STAY GRATEFUL. #ThanksLiving
31. There's such an ailment called "STRESS DISORDER SYNDROME"... it is really bad...no doctor or medicine can cure it. #RELAX
32. People say you don't know what you got till it's gone... but there're some people who know, but they are too cocky to think they'll never lose it.
33. Forget first impressions... they are important, but people change their minds easily.
34. Have a better reason for doing what you do... not for the accolades of me or just cos someone said so. #ThankYouPB
35. You wanna be a Star? Well, the Spotlight brings heat with it...CAN YOU HANDLE IT? #ThanakYouPB
36. In all sincerity, all girls are crazy... just pick your favorite type of crazy... hahahahahahahahahaaaa
37. You are allowed to be both a Masterpiece and a work in progress...simultaneously...
39. You are not what you think you are...but...WHAT YOU THINK...YOU ARE... #ThankYouMrEff #BirthdayMate #WeAreSmartLikeThat
40. You can outgrow people... and its okay!
41. Don't be afraid to be open-minded...don't worry your brain won't fall out.
42. There's nothing more exhilarating than a man who knows what he wants... and goes ahead to get it. #TurnOn
43. If you find yourself in a hole...the first thing you must do is STOP DIGGING!
44. You don't have a money problem, or a marriage problem, or a health problem... all you have is a WISDOM PROBLEM. #ThankYouDrMurdock
45. Never chase people... except mentors or teachers who would impart you with wisdom.
46. Learn who is GOLD.. and who is GOLD-PLATED!
47. Don't fall in love, darling...Rise in Love! Love will never cause you to fall...but to rise!
48. GIVE IT TIME... the pain...the hurt...your challenges... your investments... your seed...
49. WANDERLUST!!! Travel as much as you can, as often as you can...experience culture...meet people... allow your taste buds burst from trying out all kinds of foods ...your future self will thank you for it.
There's so much more to this list but i can't continue lest this post becomes a full fledged book.
Please feel free to leave your comments in the comments box below.
You can also point out any of them that really resonated with you... or share your own lessons from 2015.
While i look forward to hearing from you... i eagerly anticipate this coming year and all the super dope stuff it holds for me.
Thank you for reading.
Happy Birthday to Me!!!
I'd love to share a few things 2015 taught me... afterall, aren't we all pupils in this school called Life?
1. First and foremost, God is the official "Mindblower" of the Universe.
2. Your life moves in the direction of your most dominant thoughts. #ThankYouPB
3. God is obsessed about some people...
5. Exercise!... even if its taking the stairs or walking... it goes a really long way.
6. Sometimes, all you need is just one person that matters to favor you. #ThankYouDrMurdock
7. You don't need that many breakthroughs, if you're smart... just the one. #ThankYouPBAndBishopOyedepo
8. Mondays are fine...sometimes its your life that sucks.
9. You have the ability to change your life! It's not easy...but it is very simple...
10. Just because you miss someone doesn't mean you should go back to them...sometimes you gotta keep missing them... until you realize you don't anymore.
11. You could be the prettiest, ripest, most juicy peach in the world... there'll still be people who hate peaches. Don't take it personal.
12. A rejection of your love could mean lots of things... not necessarily a flaw in your character.
14. Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming. #AnticipateIt #Expectations #ThankYouDavidBowie #RIP
15. It costs you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to dream... Make sure its big.
16. NEVER GET LEGALISTIC WITH GOD! He loved you even before you made your first mistake...and He's not planning on changing His mind.
17. Beware of "Destination-Addiction"! the idea that happiness is in the next place, job, partner... Faithfully serve your current position... HAPPINESS IS WHERE YOU ARE!
19. New beginnings might be scary... but there's nothing more beautiful.
20. You can't ask for the EXTRAORDINARY and then complain about what's "fair"... That's the tax of being special... Life will require more from you. #ThankYouRobHillSnr
22. Love yourself enough to know it's never your job to convince anyone to choose you... Infact, if they're consistently on the fence... HIT THEE FREEWAY!
23. Growth/Excellence is not automatic... it will cost you.
24. A merry heart does good like medicine.
25. Earnestly seek the things/people that excite, motivate, inspire and make you happy... and keep them close.
26. There's no better place to be than in the center of God's will for your life... even if it's in the midst of struggles.
27. They that compare themselves with themselves are not wise. Your race is different... some are sprinters...others are marathon racers...Find out yours...and stay there! #OneOneLeg
28. Every pot has a lid... Hence, there's someone tailor made for you. #Wait
29. Even with all your challenges, your life is still someone else's dream. STAY GRATEFUL. #ThanksLiving
31. There's such an ailment called "STRESS DISORDER SYNDROME"... it is really bad...no doctor or medicine can cure it. #RELAX
32. People say you don't know what you got till it's gone... but there're some people who know, but they are too cocky to think they'll never lose it.
33. Forget first impressions... they are important, but people change their minds easily.
34. Have a better reason for doing what you do... not for the accolades of me or just cos someone said so. #ThankYouPB
35. You wanna be a Star? Well, the Spotlight brings heat with it...CAN YOU HANDLE IT? #ThanakYouPB
36. In all sincerity, all girls are crazy... just pick your favorite type of crazy... hahahahahahahahahaaaa
37. You are allowed to be both a Masterpiece and a work in progress...simultaneously...
39. You are not what you think you are...but...WHAT YOU THINK...YOU ARE... #ThankYouMrEff #BirthdayMate #WeAreSmartLikeThat
40. You can outgrow people... and its okay!
41. Don't be afraid to be open-minded...don't worry your brain won't fall out.
42. There's nothing more exhilarating than a man who knows what he wants... and goes ahead to get it. #TurnOn
43. If you find yourself in a hole...the first thing you must do is STOP DIGGING!
44. You don't have a money problem, or a marriage problem, or a health problem... all you have is a WISDOM PROBLEM. #ThankYouDrMurdock
45. Never chase people... except mentors or teachers who would impart you with wisdom.
46. Learn who is GOLD.. and who is GOLD-PLATED!
47. Don't fall in love, darling...Rise in Love! Love will never cause you to fall...but to rise!
48. GIVE IT TIME... the pain...the hurt...your challenges... your investments... your seed...
49. WANDERLUST!!! Travel as much as you can, as often as you can...experience culture...meet people... allow your taste buds burst from trying out all kinds of foods ...your future self will thank you for it.
There's so much more to this list but i can't continue lest this post becomes a full fledged book.
Please feel free to leave your comments in the comments box below.
You can also point out any of them that really resonated with you... or share your own lessons from 2015.
While i look forward to hearing from you... i eagerly anticipate this coming year and all the super dope stuff it holds for me.
Thank you for reading.
Happy Birthday to Me!!!
Wow! So much wisdom! Some 'solomony-murdocky' anointing.
ReplyDeleteWow!...thank you so much Wura...
DeleteYes, it's always a treat when I get to read from you. You've always been one of my favourite persons in the world and a lot of the lessons you've shared here resonate with me. Thank You & A Happy Birthday to you, Miss Vivacious.
ReplyDeleteAwwwwwwww........ Appreciate you much D...
DeleteYes, it's always a treat when I get to read from you. You've always been one of my favourite persons in the world and a lot of the lessons you've shared here resonate with me. Thank You & A Happy Birthday to you, Miss Vivacious.
ReplyDeleteIt's official.. I love you Nnena.
ReplyDeleteSo yeah I know I admired your voice and all, but these right here I could ha e sworn you stole my note pad. All on point
Hahaha... means you're a very wise woman Kizzy! Thank you so much ...so glad you enjoyed the read.
DeleteOh and happy birthday
ReplyDeleteWow! So much wisdom! Some 'solomony-murdocky' anointing.
ReplyDeleteAmazing stuff... I enjoyed reading it.
ReplyDeleteThank you Winnie... so glad you enjoyed the read.
DeleteAmazing stuff... I enjoyed reading it.
ReplyDeleteBeautifully Written! Thanks for the Inspiration..
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Zubby
DeleteWell written. I concur @ 16, 29 and 35.
ReplyDeletehappy birthday Nnena. Welcome to your new year.
Amen....Thank you so much Seun.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday once again.
ReplyDeleteThese are wisdom capsules...one a day will drive foolishness away...Lol. Before I get to the 50th capsule (50th day), I look forward to the dose for the next 50 days!!!
Well articulated nuggets Nnenna Kalu ! You are such a compendium of gifts to this generation. We are so blessed to have you. God will continue to bless and strengthen you in Jesus Name!!!
Ameeeeeen!!! Thank you so much sir
DeleteFirst of all, Happy Birthday and an amazing 2016 ahead!
ReplyDeleteYou write very well. It's one thing for me to read something that makes sense, but a different ball game when I find one that feels like I'm actually in a discuss with the author. Looking forward to your book sometime soon, hopefully.
Well said, and I couldn't agree more especially to 36. LOL! That really cracked me up. One of my big Lessons from 2015 - Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself when you goof. Trust me it's medicinal to your recovery and helps with your reality check.
amazing i just had service....HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR this is just the beginning and amazing things are yet to come.(#jetcometh) in 2015 i learnt a lot but two things that stood out for me 1. GOALS GOALS GOALS AND FOLLOW THROUGH. i have my part to play and i must be deliberate. 2. i have no business buying new stuff when i have debt to pay #pb. have a blast darling. happy birthday once again
ReplyDeleteYesssssss!!! you go girl!!! Thank you plenty
DeleteVery nice read.... And a very happy birthday again to you, as you grow younger may you shine brighter and brighter until you are blinding!
ReplyDeleteThank you Toure... I'm glad you enjoyed the read.
DeleteWow!!!! I celebrate you Sis! This here is a masterpiece... And to think I was just loving your voice.... Now I'm loving youuuu... Happy birthday in arrears... I pray you continue to experience 100% life upgrade in all ur endeavors and nothing short of the very best...xoxo
ReplyDeleteAmen!!! Thank you so much sis
ReplyDeleteAwesome post! I just got realigned to purpose.. 39 stands out most in all..."You are not what you think you are...but...WHAT YOU THINK...YOU ARE."
Your life moves in the direction of your most dominant thought...Your life Is formed according to your thought pattern... How you think is what you are... Your thoughts are forming your life...who you are is as a result of your perception... your response to life is who you are. which is why there is the need to have the right perception in all things... #BetterBelieve! Thank You Nnenna for these Wisdom nuggets... iv been blessed.
Whoooaaa!!! Glory to God!!! Thank you Ma'am. You just expounded more on it. More Grace...i was more blessed.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNice piece, I enjoyed d read and d lessons. You have inspired me to write mine b4 my birthday, a lot has happened in a year.