Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Wheeewww!!!... Almost surreal that i finally did this... MONUMENTAL!!! and the first tiny, eensy, weensy, baby step to something virtually, whimsically and other-worldly incredible with top of the world OMG-goodness( that last part just sounded like a Malta Guiness ad...*chuckle). Anyways, getting really up(not down) to business, there's a really weird,not trend...Culture!...yes,that's the appropriate word...culture...a really weird culture going on right now. Is it just me or has anybody else noticed?

First of,who determines what you wear?do you follow the fashion magazines?do you follow the celebrities?,lemme guess...E!...Style Network! me,i gat nothing against E! or Style Network...i love 'em and i watch ' a matter of fact,they are my favorite channels after movie channels,but the spotlight is on you right now,not me. 

So back to my that where you get your fashion inspiration from? did you know that there's a Council that sits and  determines what and how you, me and the rest of the world dresses? The Council of Fashion Designers of America...that's what they are called...they don't foresee or predict the trend the way the weather forecast predicts the weather...THEY MAKE THE TREND!!!. They decide what they want in and what they want out of season...Surely, you must have asked yourself how these trends come about...well, i have...loads of times, and i just had to do some digging...a lil' Sherlock Holmes Private Investigation so i came across these people. There's absolutely no name in the fashion world you know who isn't in the Board or who isn't at least a member of the council...Every designer who is a force to be reckoned with...or wants to be,on the other hand,is surely a member of this committee and their job, apart from regulating what happens in the Universe of Fashion and making sure there is order,is to decide and determine what everyone selects from their closets every morning...that is incredibly HUUUUGGGEEEE!!!...and a lot of power if you ask me. Their current President is Diane Von Furstenburg(who i think is absolutely amazing because she is one of the few designers who i can safely say truly understands the body and femininity of a woman). 

Anyways,back to the "issue" at hand....i made an observation lately...a very bizarre one at that...and at first,it seemed harmless and oh-so trendy until it became border-line diabolical! you've got to trust me on this one, peeps,i'm not exaggerating...i'm not an "Alarmist" was a huge trend recently as Snake Skin made it's way to the fashion scene and literally stole the hearts of everyone, me inclusive. It had this rich texture that spoke of opulence and could come in a variety and mix of colors and patterns that made it so fascinating! It could even be mixed with other "skin" such as croc skin and ostrich skin which was a huge pointer that the wearer was wealthy because most of it was custom made with some crazily expensive Italian designer's name proudly emboldened on it.....At first,because of it's price tag,it was exclusive only to The Famous and Fabulously Wealthy people but it moved from high end to retail so that everybody can afford it and partake of this "rich" trend. they came as shoes,bags,belts and even clothes and had such a huge follower-ship....Right now, it has become some sort of a phenomenon that i can't wrap my head around and has got me hissing seriously on every side(no pun intended)...i should let you see for yourselves and be the judge of it...

Are you beginning to get the same vibe i'm getting here??? a matter of fact,it ain't no vibe cos a vibe is something you sorta feel when you make an inference from an event or a series of events, as the case may be...sooooo...with these images clearly saying "something" , you shouldn't just get a vibe... Meeehnnn! something's definitely up!
The first nine pictures are Pictorials for the designer Lanvin in his Spring 2012 collection done by the famous photographer Steven Meisel , the next two pictures were two random models posing with snakes for a magazine( For the love of all things holy,what was the magazine trying to say with those pictorials?),  the other pictures are of Brit Singer Daisy Lowe and finally,the last is a pictorial of Polish Model, Anja Rubik, from the fashion magazine Vogue Paris. Should i make an attempt to crack you up a little bit? it comes...they actually said that these pictures typify the concept of "Beauty And The Beast"...please, when did the Walt Disney animation for children(and adults who are still fond of cartoons like me) become a platform for grotesque artistry such as these we behold?...and people commented on these pictures saying they are "....creative and interesting..." "....looks horrifying but very glamorous"....what is the world turning into?
I dug a little deeper and discovered that this year was pronounced "The Year of the Snake" so almost everything, every concept, every ideology, everything in the "system"  including what you and i wear, is derived from belly crawling, slithering snakes...hisssssssssss.....oh, the very thought of it makes me shudder!.... like my dad, i absolutely cannot stand them. my dad can't even stand seeing them on

All i wanna say is this...never let anything or anyone determine who you are or what you wear which makes a lot of logical sense here because how you dress is a reflection of who you are...Scrap that saying that the dress makes the person but in actual sense, "the person determines the dress" ...and so who or what exactly do you wanna project? you may have heard this before but i just need you to take a minute and think about it...this could mark a distinct difference in your life...

Ok...before i begin to bore you to shock with a lot of stories and cliched one-liners...i'll be back and in your face with more of this, especially how to project your desired image...

In the meantime, stay fabulous with an unquenchable thirst for life...and remember...IT'S YOUR LIFE...OWN IT!!!!


  1. Nice piece ... and true...

    Ummmh.... Snakes....

    P.O.D (my favorite gospel Rock Band) ... actually released an album ... When Angels and Serpents Dance... and Track 11 is my favorite - When Angels and Serpents Dance... and d Chorus goes like this...


    Who's leading you?
    Everything you say?
    Everything that you do?
    Believing what is true?
    One must lead in the dance
    Who's leading you?


    So... who is leading you O!

  2. Wow. Amazing Nnenna!. I actually find the pictures very gross and disgusting..and definitely creepy. Imagine being wrapped by snakes. You've a pointer though. A person should never let himself be defined by the standards set by others. Its ridiculous and reduces you to a puppet and that just sucks. Being yourself, being who God made you to be, is what really counts.

  3. Nnennnaaa......OMG thia is absolutely the truth. These truths are usually hidden in all these things that get us carried away like fashion, music,etc.....I cant even imagine standing around a toy snake or its look alike its so disgusting.
    The most important thing in our life is being ourselves and being who God wants us to be>>>>Standing out from the things of this World

  4. my skin crawls..........., what i remember is that God made us enemies with the creatures.......... how did we become friends again? we have to OWN the life God gave us and be LED by the Spirit of God.
