Friday, 15 July 2016
Monday, 4 July 2016
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Shut The Front Door!
Hello Beautiful People!
It's a gorgeous
Wednesday afternoon and i felt really compelled to reach out and share
something with you... something that i'm absolutely positive quite a number of
us have experienced at some point or another.
Now, personally i have
more than enough stories to give pertaining to this but i thought to do a
little research and i came up with a lot of interesting stuff.
First off, let me define closure...
- An act or process of closing something... or of being closed (obviously)
Now to the interesting stuff i found which is the basis for this post...
- To attempt to "move on" following the termination of a relationship with another individual.
- A word used by overly-emotional , self-centered "drama queens" ...mostly women (says who?)
- A word created during the 90's which was borne out of individuals unable to cope with relationship failure.
- Individuals using this word insinuate that the more stable party is responsible for all of the "closured" individual's problems... including the war in Iraq, airbag safety issues, PMS, bad hair days...etc...
I truly had a good laugh reading this!
But honestly, take away all the drama, closure just simply describes an individual's desire for a firm answer and an aversion toward ambiguity.
In these times, there is a lot of vagueness to relationships. These are the days where you hear phrases such as "Let's see where this goes"...which begs the eventual question " What are we doing?"
Interestingly, this concept isn't exclusively for love relationships. Perhaps you have a friend...or even a family member who really hurt you or said some nasty stuff about you and you just can't shake it off. You're still waiting... waiting for an apology that may never come. It could also have been a bad breakup... and you're waiting... waiting for that moment when they realize that they've lost a good thing. Oh! I've been there, done that, and got a t shirt to show for it.
Truth is, you can never begin the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. I think the people who manufacture cars are really very smart. They made a rear view mirror so that once in a while, you can take a quick glance at what's behind but they also made the very big wind shield for you to keep looking ahead.
A very wise man said, if you keep looking at the rear view mirror while driving, you're an accident going somewhere to happen!
I've only got one word for ya...
sorry...that was two
When you get to the point where you can make the decision to close that door with or without the apology or affirmative answer...and wishing them well...then you have truly moved on. Until then, they still got a hold on you and let's face it, no one is worth is that.
Life goes on. Take the occasional glance behind to see how far you have come and be grateful for the things you learned... take a deep breath, filling your heart with so much expectation of what lies ahead... walk!
It is that simple.
May not be easy, but very simple.
That seemingly sad goodbye will lead you straight right into a beautiful hello, i promise you'll see.
Thursday, 25 February 2016

Happy New Year folks!!!!
Yea.. Yea... i know you may say isn't it a lil' too late to be saying that but hey... For me, my year is just starting. I say this because it's my birthday in a couple of hours, so i guess i could say its the start of a brand new year for me.
How was your 2015?
Mine was a combination of all of the above...
I mean what is life without a healthy mix of the Fun and the Frenzy, right?
I'd love to share a few things 2015 taught me... afterall, aren't we all pupils in this school called Life?
1. First and foremost, God is the official "Mindblower" of the Universe.
I'd love to share a few things 2015 taught me... afterall, aren't we all pupils in this school called Life?
1. First and foremost, God is the official "Mindblower" of the Universe.
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Hello Beautiful People!
Y'all have been great, right?
I'm sure you have...
I just wanna share a lil' something with you...excerpts from a conversation i had with a friend a few nights ago...interesting stuff, i tell you.
She was telling me about a classmate of ours from University whom she recently reconnected with on Facebook. Back then in school, she was this really pretty, really tall girl that got married and started having kids in our first year or so.
Friday, 7 August 2015
Thank God it's Friday!!! Thank God I'm Fabulous!!!... I haven't figured out which one I prefer .
I kinda think its the latter than the former...
Hey Gorgeous! Yes you...I'm talking to you.
It is another Fabulous Friday and I trust it has been an amazing week so far.
For me, it has... although right now, i'm rather pensive. There's something I've been mulling around in my mind for quite a while now and a recent event sort of exacerbated it.
I'll try and make this as brief and as straight to the point as I can.
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Precious Blog-lings!!!
Its been such a long time...and I sincerely apologize.
I have certainly missed y'all and I hope I was missed likewise.
It has been an incredibly busy 1+ year and a lot has been going on. One of the things I have been "busy" doing is chopping off my entire head of hair and regrowing it. Now, this wouldn't be the first time i'd be doing the "Big Chop". I've always been very adventurous with my hair... dyed it all colours of the rainbow and cut/styled it on all kinds of length and texture.
However, this particular chop was for a particular reason (ok...I would be honest, I was kinda bored) but I cut it all off because my temple hair sorta looked like it was receding and I had to find a way to regrow it. Hence, the "Big Chop"!
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